Professional Associations
TechNova Role
TechNova is the provincial organization for professional technicians and technologists in Nova Scotia. They certify their members and regulate the professional designations CET, C.Tech and AScT.
- Administrating the Applied Science Technology Act of Nova Scotia
- Maintaining the high standards of technical and ethical competence
- Ensuring consistent and effective certification of technicians and technologists
- TechNova will promote safety and proficiency in Nova Scotia and contribute to the province’s economic prosperity by certifying technology professionals.
- TechNova will be a solution-focused organization, proactively meeting the professional needs of its members.
- TechNova will enhance the profile of technology professions by fostering relationships with strategic partners.
- We value respect.
- We value innovation.
- We value collaboration.
- We value integrity.
- We value service.
- We value accountability.
- TechNova has a governing board that is made up of an executive and a council.
Good to Know

Nova Scotia was the first Atlantic province in Canada to form a professional association for certified engineering technicians and technologists.
TechNova is one of 10 provincial associations representing over 41,000 certified technicians and technologists in Canada.

TechNova has a membership of around 2000 members in 20 applied science and engineering technology disciplines.
TechNova regulates the Applied Science Technology Act. This legislation was created to protect the members and the public by making sure that only qualified professionals are certified by TechNova and given one of the designations. All members are governed by this Act. Visit TechNova to download a copy of the Applied Science Technology Act.
TechNova produces a publication called Leadership in Technology. Visit TechNova to view the publications.
TechNova posts career opportunities in Nova Scotia. Visit TechNova to view these postings.
Once you become certified you can register with The Canadian Employment Technical Network (CETN) as a job seeker. This is a specialized online job board that brings certified engineering technicians and technologists and prospective employers together. Visit CTEN for more information on this network.
TechNova, in partnership with Canada’s provincial technology associations, manages the following program for skilled immigrants to Canada:
Technology Qualifications Assessment Canada (TQAC)
TQAC provides independent Canadian assessments of academic credentials and experience for internationally-trained applied science and engineering technology professionals. This is done using the International Qualifications Assessment (IQA). The IQA tells you how your credentials and skills compare with Canadian Benchmarks required for certification, and identifies any gaps that you may need to address for certification. The results are saved on the TQAC database and can be submitted to the provincial association when you apply for certification.
Visit TQAC to have your credentials and experience assessed.