Attending Schools

How to Register

How do parents/guardians register their child in school?

To enter primary school, children must be five years old on or before December 31st of the calendar year in which they are being enrolled. Parents/guardians of children turning five on or before December 31 do not have to enroll their son or daughter in primary if they believe their child is not ready to begin formal education. Parents/guardians can choose to wait an additional year.

Parents/guardians can register their child at the local school they will attend, or at the regional centre. Most regional centres will have a Welcome to Primary booklet. Here is an example from the Halifax Regional Education Office.


At the time of registration parents/guardians must present:

  • child's proof of age, legal name (as listed on birth certificate, passport, immigration papers, legal name change certificate or adoption documents)
  • proof of residency (such as a current utility bill, lease agreement, etc.)
  • Nova Scotia Health Card (MSI) number and expiry date


Videos from the Halifax Regional Education Centre's Primary Booklet

Superintendent's Welcome

Grade Primary: A Day in the Life

What Primary Looks Like..

A Message From Primary Students

Halifax Regional Education Centre's Video on Registration

  • Source: Halifax Regional Education Centre Website

    Halifax Regional Education Centre Student Registration Page