Attending Schools

Class Size
Nova Scotia has a Class Size Guidelines Policy. The class size guidelines are:
- Classes for grades Primary to Two are capped at 20 students, with flexibility. Creating combined classes or multi-age groupings are appropriate to meet this cap.
- Classes for grades Three to Six are capped at 25 students, with flexibility. Creating combined classes or multi-age groupings are appropriate to meet this cap.
- Classes for grades Seven to Nine are capped at 28 students, with flexibility. Creating combined classes or multi-age groupings are appropriate to meet this cap.
- Classes for grades Ten to Twelve are capped at 32 students, with flexibility. Creating combined classes or multi-age groupings are appropriate to meet this cap.
Maximum Class Size by grade




Nova Scotia has a Student Attendance and Engagement Policy to address the growing concern of student absenteeism. It is designed to identify and address absenteeism through early and focused interventions.

Under the policy:
- students are considered absent unless they are attending an activity that directly relates to their learning or a school activity
- teachers do not have to prepare additional materials or give out test and exam information ahead of giving it out to the class
- Grade 10 to 12 students who miss more than 20% of class time for a given course may lose a credit for that course based on individual circumstance and the professional judgement of the teacher and principal
- Addressing absenteeism or chronic lateness differs based on the age, grade and the individual circumstances of the student
Visit here to find a copy of the policy. (Read More 1)
Visit here to view the Council on Classroom Conditions. (Read More 2)